Scientific-theoretical, practical journal "Civilization” of Baku Eurasian University has been published since 2012.

The main purpose of the publication is to present  various research papers to readers on the laws of development of world civilizations, the interactions of Azerbaijan’s literary and philosophical thoughts with global culture, the problems faced by national-moral values of peoples and ethnos in modern globalization.

The articles are published in Azerbaijani, Russian and English.

In the first issue of the publication, the articles such as "Sublimation on the horizons of biosocial synthesis and Sumerian thinking" by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Nazim Huseynli, "On the issues of teaching comparative law" by Doctor of Law, Nazim Jafarli,       

"Globalization and Global Language Problems in intercultural communication” by Doctor of Philology, Fakhraddin Veysalli, "Azerbaijan on the Ways of the Council of Europe" by PhD. Agshin Mehdiyev, "Modern vector of universal historical development” by PhD. Rovshan Hajiyev, "Globalization and protection of moral and spiritual values" by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Nazila Abdullazadeh have been published.

By the decision of the Presidium of the Supreme Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated July 6, 2012 (Protocol No. 10-R), the journal "Civilization" was included in the list of scientific publications recommended for publication of the main results of dissertations in the following fields: History, Anthropology and Political Sciences; Philosophy and Sociology; Philological sciences; The Arts.


Baku Eurasian University

Chief Editor:

Ph.d.,prof. Huseynli Nazim Ziyad

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:

Phd in p.s., prof. Ibrahimova Gulzar Isakhan

Executive Secretary: philology, associate prof. Shikhiyeva Saadat Mammad



History, Anthropology and Political Science:

Prof. Dr. Attar Aygun (Turkey)

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Ryabova Elena Lvovna (Russia)

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Nikonov Alexander Vasilievich (Russia)

Doctor of Historical Sciences Natia Mirianashvili (Georgia)

Full member of ANAS, Doctor of Science Buniyadov Teymur Amiraslan oglu

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Iskandarov Anar Jamal oglu

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Gasimli Musa Jafar oglu

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Shukurov Karim Karem oglu

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor Mehdiev Agshin Shefayat oglu

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Mamedov Hikmet Baba oglu

Doctor of Philosophy (Science), Associate Professor Gasimov Siyavush Kamran oglu

Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Nasirli Elman Khudam oglu (department editor)

Philosophy and Social Sciences:

Professor Doctor Suad Gunsel (TRNC)

Professor Doctor Mammadov Nizami Mustafa oglu (Russia)

Associate Professor Abdullaev Kurmanbek (Kyrgyzstan)

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Orudzhev Zahid Malik oglu (Russia)

Corresponding Member of ANAS, Professor Aliyev Bakhtiyar Hamza oglu

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Rustamov Izzat Ashraf oglu

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Mammadov Aziz Bashir oglu

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor Talishly Siyavush Murtuza oglu

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor Mammadov Hussein Garakhan oglu

Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor Rahimov Mutallim Gara oglu (department editor)

In Philological Sciences:

Professor Doctor Bozgurt Ismail (Turkey)

Professor Doctor Hikmet Korash (Turkey)

Full Member of ANAS, Doctor of Philosophy, prof. Jafarov Nizami Gulu oglu

Doctor of Philology, Professor Doctor Gasimov Jalal Abil oglu

Doctor of Philology, Professor Doctor Jalilov Firuddin Agasi oglu

Doctor of Philology, Professor Doctor Gasimov Ikram Ziyad oglu

Doctor of Philology, Professor Doctor Veisalli Fakhraddin Yadigar oglu

Doctor of Philology, Professor Doctor Mammadov Novruz Ismail oglu

Doctor of Philology, Professor Doctor Rzayev Seyfeddin Gulverdi oglu

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Jalil Farah Jabbar gizi

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Huseynova Nigar Nazim gizi

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Guliyev Asker Gadir oglu

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Gundogdu Sariyya Gulaga gizi

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Mammadova Elmira Kekech Fikret gizi

Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Rzayeva Sevda Ramiz gizi

Doctor of Philology Yusifkhanova Nargiz Ali gizi

Senior Teacher Musaev Nasreddin Musa oglu

Doctor of Philology, Professor Tahirzadeh Adalet Sharif oglu (department editor)

In the Field of Art History:

Doctor of Historical Sciences, Prof. Muradov Vidadi Aydin oglu

Doctor of Art, Associate Professor Garamamedli Yasin Aly oglu

Doctor of Art, Professor Honored Art Worker Hajizadeh Bayram Kamal oglu

Doctor of Art, Professor Hasanzadeh Jamila Yusif gizi (department editor)
